Impact management
maze is an impact investing firm tackling social and environmental issues. We make decisions based on five core beliefs and the Impact Management Project (IMP) framework.
Impact is not binary
Impact cannot be classified with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Impact is a spectrum, and there are different dimensions to it. This reflects the intricate and complex nature of social and environmental problems that require bespoke solutions and approaches.
Impact is made not found
We believe we should work on the root causes of social problems. We would rather work on prevention over mitigation. Preventative solutions are carefully built and fine-tuned over the years, and this requires appropriate, unique forms of capital, skills and investment structures.
Impact is best served with a toolbox-based approach
Social and environmental issues are complex, so we work across public, private and social sectors to deploy a range of financial and non-financial tools. This is driven by a team that represents diverse disciplines and backgrounds.
Impact is the greatest economic opportunity of our time
We believe that the best businesses are those that profit while solving environmental and social challenges. These businesses are more resilient, attract better talent, have more engaged consumers, and are tapping into sizeable economic opportunities.
Our impact is intrinsically linked to that of our ventures
As investors, our impact cannot be dissociated from that of our ventures. We believe that we are enablers of impact. As such, a critical part of understanding our impact is deeply understanding the impact of each of the ventures we work with and our contribution to their success.
Operationalising the Impact Management Project
The impact case of any given venture always starts with defining its outcomes, rather than outputs. A single project can deliver multiple outcomes, which can be both positive and negative. There are certain negative outcomes that we simply do not work with. From there, we focus on the important questions that the IMP brings to life:
Impact dimension
Questions to guide data collection
What outcome occurs? Is it positive or negative? Is it important to the people or the planet experiencing it?
Who experiences the outcome? How underserved are they in relation to it?
How much
How much of the outcome occurs in terms of how many people experience it, the degree of change, and how long does it last?
What's the enterprise's contribution to the outcome relative to what would likely happen anyway?
What is the risk to people and the planet that impact does not occur as expected?
maze is also a proud certified B Corp meeting the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility.